The Chris Elson Award 2018
11/06/18It has been a tough season to pick a winner as so many are worthy.
I think and you will all agree that it is important that children have role models and people they can look up to and take pointers from. A role model has many traits, they demonstrate confidence and leadership. They’re never afraid to be unique, they communicate and interact with everyone and most importantly they’re always approachable and welcoming with a smile on their face.
The Chris Elson award winner is always willing to help, always committed to club and team.
i am proud to have coached them since they were 9 and it has been lovely to see them blossom into young coaches over the last few seasons.
Chris would be proud of the ambassadors you are.
This years Chris Elson Award has 4 winners-
Well done Lauren Cook, Thalia Humble, Ffion Rees and Lydia Jones